About Us

FastPass Driving Tuition was founded with only one mission in its core… Safety on Our Roads, but more Passion & Fun in Driving!!

We achieve this through the latest European breakthrough; that of Coaching our Pupils rather than Instructing. The difference is incomparable. Coaching is a much faster learning process, and you will learn to drive safely and independently for life! Our instructors are continuously trained and mentored through the coaching concept, in order to make your learning experience a positive one. This paragraph is guaranteed to fast track you towards the acquisition of your license!

We offer Driving Lessons for Beginners, individuals wanting to re-gain confidence after a long period since driving, individuals that have the desire to upgrade their License Category, or would like to exchange their International License to a European one! We perform Tuition on MotorCycles, Manual & Automatic Transmission Cars + Large Goods Vehicles (LGVs / Trucks). We can also perform Tuition on your OWN Car / MotorCycle!

Our Tuition is Creative, Modern & Dynamic! Fun & Interesting but Enriched.

Our greatest reward is when we see one of our X Pupils driving with a license and without an Instructor by your side / following!!

Enjoy the Drive / Ride!